Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Handeling Race and Ethnicity

First of all it took me forever to understand the whole, "News U" thing and to find the article. But I read it, I did it and learned a lot, probably not as much as I would have had I been able to figure it out sooner. I had no idea so much time and thought went into ethnicity and race. I now can definitely see the importance and also how critical it is. I thought it was interesting in the activity you were asked to think of a Latino friend you have and then choose words to describe him or her and then see all the words others had chosen. I realized then that race might not be the best way to describe a person. It was also interesting to read the stories and see in which cases race was relevant and when it wasn't.

1 comment:

Dale said...

Stephanie, Have you dropped the 239 class?